Three Years on the Crooked Road

red number three with lights




Recently, WordPress informed me that this blog is three years old.

How Did I Get Here?

Three years ago, I started the blog as a place to put examples of my writing that potential editors could look at when I sent them pitches. I only wrote when I really had something important to say and when I had time to write a “quality writing sample.” Over time I realized that it helped if those writing samples were recent, so I tried to write more often. This year I committed to becoming someone who actually wrote, instead of someone who talked about being a writer, so I set up an editorial calendar with a goal of posting twice weekly for as long as I kept my day job, and three times each week once I went freelance. I have only missed that goal once so far this year. This brought in a lot of new readers. It’s not just my mom and my cousin Jackie anymore.

Where Should I Go?

What do you want to see here in 2015?

{2018 Update: Poll Deleted. Just use the comments if you have something to say now}

Since I’ve never used the poll feature in WordPress before, I’m not sure how it’s going to work once I hit publish. I am pretty sure it won’t let you choose all that apply, and I am absolutely sure that I always hate how the answer choices in polls don’t quite match up with the answers I’d like to give. So please use the comments to clarify your answers, address topics I left out, or share any other ideas about the blog. But please be gentle. Remember it’s my first time.



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