Tag Archive Seattle Public Library


Ambassador Kate DiCamillo at Seattle Public Library

DiCamilloPodiumKate DiCamillo has a Southern accent. I did not expect this because I do not hear it in the lyrical rhythms of her wide-eyed fiction. Both the accent and the wonder are explained by her childhood in Florida, where she experienced a number of unusual theme parks, and was particularly impressed by the vision of hidden worlds granted by glass-bottomed boats. It was on one of these boats that she heard a lady in a plastic rainbonnet say

Oh my. This world.

And knew exactly what she meant. Read More


Seattle Writes with a Little Help from my Friends

Seattle Writes BooksMy computer is littered with false starts. Somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 words of fiction, I run out of steam, run out of ideas, fall into a plot hole, and don’t know how to continue. So my stories sit, unfinished and abandoned in a folder on my laptop. Last Friday I made it all the way to 16,000 words before I realized I had no idea where I was going. I closed my laptop in disappointment and that night I went to bed a failure.
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