Tag: Seattle Public Library

Me Versus the Public Library

I don’t know if Seattle Public Library usually does this. But this was the first year that I saw their year-end roundup of most popular...

2019 Global Reading Challenge

The Global Reading Challenge is a Battle of the Books program for 4th and 5th graders enrolled in Seattle Public Schools. I've tried to read...

Published in March

In March, most of my work involved endless revisions of technical documentation only a solid waste engineer could love. It’s good money and flexes writing...

Prepping for Ariadne auf Naxos

As I took my seat at the Seattle Public Library’s preview of Ariadne auf Naxos, I was reminded that in the opera world, 40 is...

Global Reading Challenge

As so many significant events in my life, it happened at the library. It all started with a stack of bookmarks printed with a list...