Tag: Seattle Opera

Nabucco at Seattle Opera

“Zeus isn’t real,” my daughter confided one day when she was four. “How do you know?” I asked. “Yesterday I told a lie on purpose...

Ariadne auf Nauxos at Seattle Opera

Long story short: A rich man has commissioned a tragic opera, “Ariadne auf Naxos,” to be performed at his party. He has also hired a...

Prepping for Ariadne auf Naxos

As I took my seat at the Seattle Public Library’s preview of Ariadne auf Naxos, I was reminded that in the opera world, 40 is...

Can You Handel Seattle Opera’s Semele?

Typical. I studied hard for the accessible Tosca. But I walked into Seattle Opera’s production of Semele cold. And I really could have used a...

Tosca Talk

Paying to attend a lecture before a show feels like eating your cultural vegetables before dessert. But you know what? It was so worth it....