Tag Archive Global Reading Challenge


2019 Global Reading Challenge

stack of 2019 Global Reading Challenge at Seattle Public Library

The Global Reading Challenge is a Battle of the Books program for 4th and 5th graders enrolled in Seattle Public Schools. The ten Challenge books selected by Seattle librarians each year are varied in genre with a diverse cast of main characters and a disproportionate number of Newbery medals gracing their covers. That’s why I’ve tried to read all ten of them each year since I discovered the challenge when my oldest daughter was in second grade.

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Global Reading Challenge

20GRC_banner_575x225As so many significant events in my life, it happened at the library. It all started with a stack of bookmarks printed with a list of middle grade books. My oldest daughter had just finished second grade, and had already cloistered herself in the world of high fantasy. The books on this list were varied in genre with a diverse cast of main characters and a disproportionate number of Newbery medals gracing their covers. The bookmarks were labeled “Global Reading Challenge,” so I challenged my daughter to read all ten before the summer was over. Read More