Nonfiction Novel Titles

Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park, Washington is a destination bookstore. In fact, it kind of is Lake Forest Park. There’s not really much else...

Join the Club

I tried running a book club in grad school, but after a few months we gave up pretenses and started drinking in bars. I do...

Crikey, Reuben’s Brews are Good!

My kitchen counter is lined with growlers from Reuben’s Brews. We empty them quickly then then they sit empty until my husband has time to...

Dear Hank Wiliams

When I was in the second grade, my teacher read Old Yeller to the class. When she got to the end, she started crying and...

Mailbag: August ARCs

I never understood the idea of “small dreams” until I started receiving unsolicited advance reader copies (ARCs) of soon-to-be-published books in the mail, and felt...