Streaming Norma at the Met

With the rest of the opera season canceled – everywhere – The Met has been offering free nightly streams of operas previously recorded for their...

Music I Like: Indigenous Metal

Long ago, I wrote a post on Indigenous artists I like, and mysteriously, none of them were heavy metal. That’s just plain weird. There were...

More Death Metal I Like

I listen to so much death metal, especially of the melodic and doomy varieties, but also the technical and the old school. And maybe it...

Music I Like – Metal-Inflected

No, that’s not “metal infected” although I guess you could call it that. I recently enjoyed an Alcest album, then had a hard time figuring...

Music I Like – Black Metal

I’ve always liked metal, but it took me a long time to come around to black metal. First, there’s the culture. I have a strong...