Recent Work

It’s not the most professional image to accompany a list of recent publications, but it beautifully illustrates the haphazard nature of late summer freelance work....

Home of the ‘Fraid

One of my favorite things about freelancing is that I don’t have to commute. I always feel that beginning my day with the rush of...

Words of Summer

In English we say “busy as a bee,” but in Japanese the industrious insect is the dragonfly. Whatever simile you want to use, I’ve been...

Less traveled by

I took this path in Reykjavik’s tiny woods. Has it made all the difference? Poetic turns of phrase aside, sometimes it’s hard to know which...

Wickedly Funny Count Ory

I don’t know where to start. During the pre-performance lecture and during the performance itself, there were so many things I wanted to say. But...