Some Pop Music I Like

For years I claimed that I hated pop music. Then Coldplay put out Yellow and I had to eat my words. Nowadays, my taste in...

A Prayer, I Think

If I remember correctly, I took a picture of this plaque at the bottom (or was it the top) of Helgafell, a small mountain in...

Andrew Stenson in Recital at Seattle Opera

Like K-dramas, opera recitals have shot from “not a thing I watch” to “primary form of entertainment” for me during the pandemic. I watched everything...

Published in November 2020

I’m certainly not the first person to comment on how strangely time passes during the pandemic, but I might be the most confused by why...

The Scenery Never Changes

I grew up in a family that was quite fond of archaic and colloquial proverbs like If you’re not the lead dog, the scenery never...