The Children’s Book Coincidence

Whether one believes coincidences are actually meaningful messages from a higher power, or are merely coinciding incidents, it’s hard to deny the impact they can...

Book Report: The Pets

Now that I have read something by each of the Iceland Writers Retreat featured authors, I am moving on to the Icelandic authors who are...

April by the Numbers

In the past few months, I’ve been paying attention to blog statistics. Sometimes I learn something useful. I’m not sure what you readers get from...

Tales of Hoffmann at Seattle Opera

A while back I wrote a post about the erroneous perception that heavy metal has to be grim and angry and depressing. Even a lot...

Curiouser and Curiouser

I was stopped at a red light while driving my daughter to preschool. Next to me was one of those public wastelands, a strip of...