November by the Numbers
December 3, 2014

It’s that time again, folks – time for blog statistics! Read on for links to the most popular posts of the month and a list of intriguing search terms that led readers down this Crooked Road.
Top Posts:
- A Childish Review of PNB’s Director’s Choice That’s right, my most popular post this month was written by my 10-year-old-daughter.
- Airwaves in August It was a click-baity move to put “Airwaves” in a title in early November. And it worked.
- October Tsundoku I suppose I’ll have to start making haul videos now.
- Stalking Asgeir Trausti The gift that keeps on giving.
- Problems with People I was sick this month and only read one book. Apparently people missed the book reviews. Either that, or it was a good idea for me to drop the “Book Report” from the post title and review a book with its own intriguing title.
Top search terms:
- asgeir girlfriend/asgeir trausti girlfriend/Ásgeir girlfriend
- what happens if salt evaporate They would have found this.
- gemma alexander wordpress/gemma alexander blog Yay!
- icelandair I am available to write branded content. Just saying.
- 2014 May 2014 showbox tlja magazine I can’t believe this search term was typed more than once.
There weren’t any truly wacko search terms this month. Besides the one above, the most interesting were:
- sabbath keepers in iceland Hmm, well, I do write about Iceland a lot…
- turandot nice replace the tenor I did write about Turandot once.
- the hearing trumpet leonora carrington There is nothing strange about this one, but I am glad to see the resurgence of interest in Mexico-based female surrealists. Besides my own blog post, the Bookslut is a fan of Carrington, and Weird Fiction Review recently posted one of her short stories online (which I know because modern surrealist Sjón tweeted the link).