My 2020 Year in Books


My 2020 Year in Books

March is a little late to be summarizing the previous year’s reading. But I was busy in January and forgot in February, so here we are. I like looking back at my book-year regardless of when I get around to it. So if you have any interest in my reading life, here we go. My 2020 in books.

Reading Challenge

Since 2015, I’ve had an even/odd pattern of failing and completing my annual reading challenge. It held true in 2020, when I read only 88 of my targeted 175 books. I don’t feel bad about it, though, because 88 books is a lot, and I set my goal ridiculously high because I read a lot of graphic novels, which only take about an hour each. In 2020, the library was closed for more than half the year, cutting off my graphic novel supply. So those 88 books represented 23,372 pages read. That’s still a lot less than the 38.596 pages I read in 2019. But we’re talking about 2020 here, so I’m still proud of the accomplishment.

Speaking of Pages


All the Books

Here are all the books I read in 2020. To me, scrolling back through these books I read last year feels like visiting old friends. Do we have any friends in common? Do you see anything you like? Connect with me on Goodreads or post in the comments any time you want to talk books.

About the author

GD administrator

I'm a freelance content and grant writer in Seattle specializing in parenting, arts and the environment.

1 Comment so far

My 2021 In Books – gemma D. alexanderPosted on6:03 pm - Jan 5, 2022

[…] previous challenge was to read 175 books. But it was 2020 and the library was closed for six months, so I only read 89 […]

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