Music I Liked – Mo’ynoq, Teitur Magnasson, Pulchra Morte, Beak>, Panopticon

Mo'ynoq album cover

This week I liked listening to Mo’ynoq, Teitur Magnasson, Pulchra Morte, Beak>, and Panopticon.


It’s kind of annoying how common apostrophes are in the names of magical races in fantasy novels, and they are just as irritating when you’re trying to pronounce or spell metal bands. But I’ll forgive Mo’ynoq because they are so very good. If you read any music blogs at all, you will already know this, because I think they all wrote something about how good Dreaming in a Dead Language is. They were right. Usually I have to be in a mood for black metal. But I could listen to Mo’ynoq all day. Just don’t ask me how to say their name.

Teitur Magnasson

Teitur Magnasson was on the KEXP lineup at Airwaves last year, but I missed the set (streaming, I mean – I haven’t been to Airwaves in a long time). So I wasn’t familiar with him. But then I stumbled on the video for “Kollgátan” off his album Orna. The nostalgic old school home video vibe really hit the spot, so I had a listen of the rest of the album. The whole thing just has such a peaceful summer melancholy feeling. Almost like Chicano Batman without the annoyingly repetitive lyrics.

Pulchra Morte

Pulchra Morte released Divina Autem Et Aniles this month, but it feels timeless. It’s all my favorite food. The vocals are just growly enough to scratch the death metal itch without being incomprehensible. Midpaced riffs are chunky and meaty, and the solos are noodly. This is stick-to-your-ribs, Hormel chili test music.


I rarely write up a single song. I’m an album kind of girl. But this is not about the album, or even really about the song (although both are quite listenable). This is just about the video. I saw this video of the song “Bream Down” by Sleeping Beauty).


I never disliked critical darlings Panopticon, but they never quite grabbed me the way they seemed to capture everyone else before. The they released the two-track The Crescendo Dusk and they finally got their hooks in me.

So how about you? Are you hooked on any of this music?

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