Locked and Unloaded: Getting Real About Gun Safety

Gun laws are off-topic for this blog, and I quote Jennie’s WYS Words too often for any writer of original material. But this post is literally the first time I’ve heard an American make a gun control argument more nuanced than, “Guns are bad!” or “You commies are trying to take my guns away!”

America has so many political nonstarter issues where actual discourse is out of the question that the country is paralyzed. Until we start talking – actually talking and not parroting lobbyist talking points – progress of any kind on any issue is impossible.

Personally, I am more concerned about the fact that it’s easier to buy a gun than a car in America than I am about open carry. Frankly, if I’m sharing space with someone who’s carrying, I’d prefer to know about it. But I applaud Jennie’s call for reasonable discourse on one of too many American hot button issues.

Please click over to Jennie’s blog to read what she had to say:


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