Complete Contributions: AvvoStories/Naked Law

Formerly known by the far more interesting title of Naked Law, I used to do a lot of work for the AvvoStories blog and they still ask for the occasional article.

Fall 2019

The Motherhood Penalty

Summer 2019

Immunization Awareness Month: New Laws in the face of Anti-vaccination Movement

Will LGBTQ People Receive Protection from Discrimination?

Asian-Americans Under the new Immigration Guidelines

April 2019

Earth Day: Does the Clean Water Act Protect Our Water?

January – March 2019

Congress Blocks Robocalls

Government Shutdown Affects More Than Government Workers

Resolve to Protect Your Loved Ones With A Will

April 2018

McCulloch v. Maryland

March 2018

Green Card Marriages

Immigrants’ Catch-22

SCOTUS Mistake: Jennings v. Rodriguez

SCOTUS Mistake: Dred Scott v. Sandford

Will the SALT Cap Stop Washington Shoppers?

What’s the Difference Between Common and Civil Law?

February 2018

What Homeowners Need to Know About the New Tax Law

Seattle Proposes Cannabis Amnesty

Search and Seizure at School

A Brief History of Presidential Legal Trouble

SCOTUS: Marbury v. Madison

January 2018

Phoenix May Make Lane Splitting Legal

When States Rights Are Right

Net Neutral Washington

SCOTUS Mistake: Citizens United

What the New Tax Law Means for Healthcare

December 2017

Human Rights Are Not Universal in U.S.

J20 Case Threatens First Amendment

Could There Be A Miracle on 34th Street Today?

Net Neutrality Protects the Free Market

Some Oregon teachers must report teen romance – as a crime

When SCOTUS Makes a Mistake

Seattle Restricts Surveillance Technology

Washington Has More Time to Get REAL

November 2017

Making the Most of Small Business Saturday

Your Selfie Could Cost You Your Ticket

Unwarranted Cell Phone Searches

Are Veterans’ Courts Fair?

October 2017

ACA Under Attack

Does Amazon Crush Small Businesses or Give Them a Leg Up?

First-time Renters Can Avoid Apartment Scams

Washington’s Cyberstalking Law Stands – For Now

Ghostly Disclosure – How to Sell a Haunted House

How Small Businesses Can Bounce Back After A Hurricane

Washington State Fights for Healthcare

September 2017

Trump Opens Parks to Coal Mining Again

Can New Housing Laws in Seattle Help the Homeless?

When Does Assisted Suicide Become Manslaughter?

The Tenuous Legality of Hunting for Buried Treasure

Will Amazon’s New Policy Crush Small Sellers?

August 2017

Airport Face Scans Stir Up Privacy Issues

Microchip Implants

Coparenting a College Student

Driving Under the Influence of Electronics

July 2017

Can You Open a Fire Hydrant?

Professors Fired for Free Speech

Home Alone for the Summer

4 new short-term rental laws, June 2017

5 Current Challenges to Civil Rights, June 2017

8 new game-changing laws for renters, June 2017

Fear of flying is irrational – or is it?, June 2017

Say what? Tennessee tries to ban evolution – of words, May 2017

Legal pot is here to stay, Trump or no Trump, May 2017

The very real – and growing – attack on gay rights, April 2017

States are happy with legalized pot, April 2017

New law changes the game for renters, April 2017

How America fell in love with joint custody, April 2017

Are federal marijuana laws keeping us sick?, March 2017

Spring clean your legal life, March 2017

Money does matter, March 2017

Is marriage equality safe in the Trump era?, March 2017

How families can navigate the immigration system, February 2017

Adulting 101: Why you must have renter’s insurance, January 2017

Can an Employer Make You Wear High Heels?, December 2016

What will President Trump mean for small businesses?, December 2016

Is jailing people for profit a good idea? We’ll soon find out, December 2016

Would you go to jail for a better view?, November 2016

Taking a selfie in the voting booth might be illegal, October 2016

How to help a teen get emancipated, October 2016

The right to protest our national anthem, October 2016

What police need to learn about mental illness, October 2016

Do immigrants really have an easy time getting into the U.S.?, October 2016

What’s so bad about a starter marriage?, September 2016

Reefer Madness, September 2016

Pokemon and the Fine Art of Suing Your Users, September 2016

3 Strategies for Shared Parenting, August 2016

A Primer on Your Rights at a Music Festival, August 2016

Can We Sue Our Way to Better Health Care?, August 2016

Is the Tide Turning Against Voter ID Laws?, August 2016

Don’t Feed the Trolls, August 2016

Why Marry?, July 2016

Is Fighting in Public Legal?, July 2016

States Are Getting Better at Legalizing Marijuana, July 2016

U.S. Citizenship Takes Work, Time, July 2016

Is Your Lawyer Really a Lawyer?, June 2016

Will the New Overtime Rules Give You a Raise?, June 2016

The Lessons of Loving for Same-Sex Marriage, June 2016

The Risks of Reporting Sexual Harassment, May 2016

Is TSA Actually Keeping Us Safe?, May 2016

The Risks of Reporting Sexual Harassment, May 2016

Help for the Self-Employed: How to Set Up and Fund Your Own Pension, April 2016

New York City Considers ‘Freelance Isn’t Free’ Bill, April 2016

Why 40% Off is Actually a Bad Deal, April 2016

How Hard is it to Sue for Student Loan Forgiveness?, April 2016

Maverick GOP Senator Shoots Down Pro-gun Bill, March 2016

Is stealing someone’s culture a crime?, March 2016

Should education standards vary by state?, on Business to Community, March 2016

Was your chocolate bar produced by child labor?, February 2016

Sex is a gift in Missouri, January 2016

Alabama Chief Justice obstructs gay marriage, January 2016

New tools to help you navigate a mortgage, December 2015

Should violent prisoners fight forest fires?, December 2015

Is graffiti art? Or is it vandalism?, December 2015

Segregated housing is alive and well, December 2015

Home Alone: A Christmas crime story, December 2015

Small business group sues EPA over new power plant rule, on, December 2015

New real estate trend: Marijuana grow closets, December 2015

Congress rethinks mandatory sentencing, November 2015

Native family defends mohawk, November 2015

Beating the slumlord at his own game, October 2015

New technology, same old sexism?, October 2015

When Trees Cross the Line, October 2015