Category Archive Seattle


Me Versus the Public Library

I don’t know if Seattle Public Library usually does this. But this was the first year that I saw their year-end roundup of most popular reads. The library is an important part of my reading life; my borrowing history shows that I checked out 37 books in 2022. So I thought it would be fun to see how my library usage compared with everyone else’s.

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Independent Bookstore Day 2022 – Island Outliers

Despite my love for filling up passports and my obsession with completeness, I’ve never tried to “win” Independent Bookstore Day for two reasons. First, getting to all the bookstores in one day is too hard. And second, getting to all the bookstores in one day doesn’t leave time for actually browsing the bookstores, and I can never leave a bookstore unexplored once I enter. So each year, I’ve made my own goals. This year was my most challenging.

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Pacific Northwest Ballet’s Plot Points

Rep 4 of Pacific Northwest Ballet’s 2021-2022 season is Plot Points, a mixed rep program of four pieces that play with the concept of storytelling. I’m a little late to the party because I attended on the second weekend. There’s a world premiere and a PNB premiere by choreographers who are already well-loved by PNB audiences. The (almost) title piece, Plot Point, is already an audience favorite.

Pacific Northwest Ballet company dancers in Crystal Pite’s Plot Point. Photo © Angela Sterling. c/o PNB
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Don’t Be Afraid of the Blue Opera

Kenneth Kellogg as The Father. Photo credit: Sunny Martini. c/o Seattle Opera

I have a confession to make. I was a little bit afraid to watch “Blue” at Seattle Opera. Often described as “the race opera,” “Blue” tells the story of a Harlem family losing their son to police violence. It sounded pretty heavy during a time when the more escapist aspect of opera has a lot of appeal. But I know that the ability to tune out racial violence is a privilege, so I went anyway. And there was nothing to be afraid of.

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Cat Snacks

At a cat cafe, they snacks are as cute as the company.