Category: Music

Gamli Gaukurinn

  The metal scene in Reykjavik is described as “small but active.” But the one random Saturday I was ever in the city (not for...

Wickedly Funny Count Ory

I don’t know where to start. During the pre-performance lecture and during the performance itself, there were so many things I wanted to say. But...

Unseasonably Opera

People like to pretend that seasons and weather have no impact on our modern, urban lives. Despite climate-controlled offices where America indulges its addiction to...

Only The Music is Dark

Fifteen years ago, I spent three months in India. Before I left, my husband gave me two gifts – a really nice pocket knife, and...

Ticket Season Part Four: What I Bought

Spring is ticket season. Season ticket season, that is. I’ve already talked about the temptations of season tickets to Seattle Opera, Pacific Northwest Ballet, and Seattle...