Lake Union Dragon Boats
It’s a little-known fact that Seattle has a handful of dragon boat clubs. When I discovered this, I dragged the kids down to Lake Union...
Getting to Hong Kong
At Thanksgiving my family went to Hong Kong. Fortunately, our trip fell during a rare week of safe travel. We visited during a lull in...
Pandemic Homeschool Spring Break
How do you have spring break when your kids are already not going to school, and traveling is not an option? That was the dilemma...
Music I Like – Black Metal
I’ve always liked metal, but it took me a long time to come around to black metal. First, there’s the culture. I have a strong...
Chiricahua Snow Hike
In December of 2015, the ski season in Washington had just gotten started. We spent the holidays in Arizona, and on that trip visited Chiricahua...