The Rendezvous
Before there were blogs, I spent a quarter studying sustainable development in southern India. I maintained an email distribution list of friends who wanted updates...
The Bookslut Travel-writes Dangerously
I apologize. Once again, I ask you to work for a reblog. But I think this one is worth it. It’s a short piece, but manages...
Book Report: The Greenhouse
The Greenhouse, by Audur Ava Olafsdottir, is instantly appealing, so it’s no surprise that Amazon Crossing chose to release Brian FitzGibbon’s translation. Its shy, modest...
May by the Numbers
Once upon a time, this blog was just a place to direct potential editors to see a fairly recent example of my writing. If I...
Bend in the Road
I named this blog Crooked Road after a line from one of my favorite movies, Joe vs. the Volcano. It’s been a long time coming...