Book Report: The Orenda

I read Joseph Boyden’s latest book, The Orenda, the same week that it finally became available in the U.S. But I haven’t written about it...

About Time for Victoria, B.C.

After 20 years of living in the Pacific Northwest and saying, “One of these days, I should…” I finally did. I took the clipper to...

Happy Pongal

Before there were blogs, I spent a quarter studying sustainable development in southern India. I maintained an email distribution list of friends who wanted updates...

The Bookslut Gets Surreal

I really do want to offer you dear readers reblogs that are simple, but I must share the posts that I find most interesting. Once again, I...

June by the Numbers

I have heard about website ranking before, but never paid much attention. This month I stumbled across an article discussing how your Alexa Rank could...