Write-o-Rama Write-up


Write-o-Rama Write-up

Last Saturday was Write-o-Rama at Richard Hugo House, Seattle’s own literary center that supports local writers in myriad ways. Hugo House is one of the premier writing centers in the country. Its programs include writers-in-residence, writing retreats, literary series, and classes for adults and teens that range from fiction to poetry to zines and marketing. Write-o-Rama is an annual Hugo House fundraiser that still manages to give to the writers. Students can choose their cost for a full day of one-hour workshops donated by the teachers, and membership to the house is included at most registration levels.

Write-o-Rama was my first experience with Hugo House, and it was a great introduction. In the course of one day, I took classes on tweeting, story structure, alter-ego development, science as inspiration, and review writing. With only one hour for each class, and about half of that time dedicated to writing exercises, the teachers really only had time to introduce one or two ideas. But it was a great way to get some focused practice, see how many different directions people can go with a simple assignment, find out where to go to learn more, and check out the teachers before committing to longer, more expensive classes.

I came away awed by the talent of Seattle’s writers, both the teachers and my classmates. I also took home a long list of follow-up reading and ideas for more writing to try at home. And a new membership to Hugo House. I need the discount on all the classes I’m going to take.

I’m thinking about starting with “The Mechanics of Plot Topiary.”

Write-o-Rama raised over $5600 for Hugo House.

About the author

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I'm a freelance content and grant writer in Seattle specializing in parenting, arts and the environment.

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