Tag Archive Wizard of Oz


There’s No Place Like Home

I disagree with Dorothy.

I disagree with Dorothy.

My family watched The Wizard of Oz recently. My sense of the movie has changed every time I’ve seen it, but my response to one line has always stayed the same:

… if I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with. Is that right?

Oh hell, no! Read More


There’s No Place Like Oz

La Cenerentola booklet Seattle OperaWhen I watched Cinderella at Seattle Opera, I wished that I could see it through my child’s eyes. Soon after that, the whole family watched The Wizard of Oz. My opinion of the movie has changed with each viewing, evolving over time, as I have. This time I thought it would be fun to record the impressions of someone seeing it for the first time.

Here are the comments from my 8 year-old, with occasional responses from the rest of us, Mystery Science Theater-style. You know, except without the movie. Read More