Tag Archive Verdi


Parenting Lessons from Seattle Opera’s Rigoletto

Giuseppe Altomare makes his Seattle Opera debut as the title character in Rigoletto. Sunny Martini photo c/o Seattle Opera

Some people dislike modern productions of old operas. These are often the same folks who think Shakespeare should always be performed in Elizabethan costume (but curiously, not by men in drag). Personally, I don’t agree. I mean, I can understand the appeal of a period piece. I adore reconstructions of historical costumes, houses, and technology where every last detail is true to the original. But the appeal is usually more intellectual than emotional. Dressing a story in historical costumes and sets doesn’t necessarily distance viewers from the humanity in the story, but it often does. And rigid conformity with past practice is literally the opposite of art. Plus, the original productions were usually anachronistic themselves. How a director chooses to frame a production is an artistic choice that can fundamentally alter viewers’ understanding of the story.

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Il Trovatore at Seattle Opera

181213_Travotore DR Dress Rehearsal Backstage Seattle Opera 2019 McCaw Hall Seattle

The last time Seattle Opera performed Verde’s Il Trovatore was in 2010. I saw it then, but I wasn’t blogging yet, so I don’t have a record of my impressions, and my memories are a little vague. Il Trovatore was the first opera that my opera buddy ever saw – she saw Seattle Opera’s mid-90’s production. We were both excited to see how this new production directed by local artist Dan Wallace Miller compares to our earlier experiences.

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Aida at Seattle Opera

Alexandra LoBianco (Aida) and David Pomeroy (Radamès). Jacob Lucas photo

Alexandra LoBianco (Aida) and David Pomeroy (Radamès). Jacob Lucas photo c/o Seattle Opera

Even if you’re not into opera, you’ve heard of Aida. It’s one of the iconic operas like Carmen and Madame Butterfly. I am into opera, and I love Verdi, but the current production at Seattle Opera was my first experience of Aida.

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Seattle Opera 2018/19 Season Preview

John Moore and Matthew Gills in Barber of Seville Photo by Philip Newton c/o Seattle Opera

Today I am sad. Berlioz’ opera Beatrice & Benedict opens at Seattle Opera tomorrow, and I don’t have tickets. I could not go on the day press tickets were offered, and I haven’t figured out how or if I will buy tickets for this production I really want to see. For today, I am consoling myself by looking at the 2018/19 opera season announcement. Read More


The Most Beautiful Music – La Traviata at Seattle Opera

Seattle Opera 2017 La Traviata McCaw Hall

Corinne Winters (Violetta). Seattle Opera 2017 La Traviata Philip Newton photo c/o Seattle Opera

People are getting pretty worked up about the unusual production of La Traviata currently playing at Seattle Opera. But really, the production isn’t very important. What really matters about La Traviata is the music, that exquisite, heavenly music.  Read More