Tag Archive Tosca


Looking Forward to Seattle Opera’s 2020/2021 Season

Philip Newton photo c/o Seattle Opera

Seattle Opera announced their new season really early this year. Coincidentally, I happened to be on their website that day and saw the new line-up before the press release even hit my inbox. I didn’t get around to writing about it until now, but not for lack of enthusiasm. It’s going to be an interesting season.

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Tosca Talk

Tosca BookletHow much should an audience member prepare for a performance? Some of my best memories come from the shows I stumbled into blindly only to be completely blown away. But most of the time, concerts are more fun when you already know the music. It’s no fun to see a David Mamet play without some idea of what you are in for. {2018 Update: It’s no fun to see a David Mamet play.}

Anyone who attends The Marriage of Figaro, as I once did, without knowing the song made famous by Bugs Bunny is actually in The Barber of Seville will be sorely disappointed. In theory, I like to be prepared, but I don’t always find the time for research ahead of time. Read More


Tosca Weekend

Tosca at Seattle Opera

When I go to the opera, I always feel like the Grandson at the end of The Princess Bride.

Grandpa, maybe you could come over and read it again to me tomorrow?

The action in Tosca takes place over about 18 hours. For the same amount of time, my life was completely focused on the opera last weekend when one of my dreams came true and I got to watch the Sunday matinee of Tosca after attending opening night on Saturday. 

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Tosca is All That

Adam Diegel (Mario Cavaradossi) in Tosca. © Elise Bakketun photo

Adam Diegel (Mario Cavaradossi) in Tosca. © Elise Bakketun photo

Things so often disappoint in direct proportion to how highly anticipated they are. The Blarney Stone is a tourist trap; the Mannekin Pis is only a foot tall. That movie everyone raved about has a plot like Swiss cheese. Cheese from Switzerland – not really sweeter than cheese at home. But every now and then, a classic delivers everything promised. Like Tosca at Seattle Opera. Read More