Tag Archive Thingvellir






You can’t tell from this photo – or any of the dozen others I took at this spot – but the fish are jumping here. I don’t even fish, but walking around Thingvellir, where democracy was reinvented, and seeing fish jump right out of the water as you walk by… well, it just makes you feel like anything is possible.





For centuries, Icelanders congregated here to administer all national government business. It’s hard to imagine anyone floating the kind of BS that fills the halls of democracy today in a space like this. But who knows, humans are often capable of more than I can imagine.


Rocked by Disappointment

Thingvellir Law Rock

The Law Rock

My family has a history of being disappointed by rocks. Read More


My First Golden Circle Tour

I left the pub after 11, a little before rúntur got started. I had wondered if Icelanders dress up for Halloween – either Reykjavik teens really top rave fashion, or the answer is “yes, on the closest weekend.” But I didn’t stay to find out more; I had a Golden Circle tour booked for 8 am pickup Saturday, and didn’t want to miss the bus. So I was in bed by midnight.

A slamming door woke me at 3 am. At 3:30, I got up and went to the kitchen for a drink of water. Then I tossed and turned for a long time. I thought to myself, I’ll just check the time, and if it’s after 4:30, I’ll get up. It was 5:15. So I got up, wrote up some notes, ate a big breakfast, and caught my bus promptly at 8 am. Read More