This isn’t actually a list of music I listened to last week. I’ve been keeping track of things I liked, but even as briefly as I summarize things here, I haven’t had time to write it all up. Plus, I really hate the new WordPress editor and find myself avoiding blogging lately. So most of this is music I liked in December. But I liked Svartidaudi, Scott Hirsch, Mr. Twin Sister, and Marc Mac when I heard them.
Svartidaudi was one of the first black metal bands that I listened to. I’ve always been more of a death metal girl, so there usually has to be something special about a black metal band to make me care. When I came onboard for Svartidaudi’s Flesh Cathedral, just the fact that they were from Iceland was enough for me. That’s still enough to make me take notice, but I’m a little pickier now that there’s a wealth of Icelandic black metal to choose from. Revelations of the Red Sword still makes the cut.
Scott Hirsch
Scott Hirsch is most famous for the band Hiss Golden Messenger. They are a KEXP favorite, but I’ve never really paid much attention to them. Hirsch’s solo album Lost Time Behind the Moon was album of the day on the Bandcamp Daily about two months ago. Despite it being midwinter when I first heard it, this album had all the good folky summertime feels of a sunlit day on Doe Bay.
Mr. Twin Sister
Alas, so much time has passed that I don’t remember where I found Mr. Twin Sister. But their album Salt is like a cross between Vok and Zero 7 and I am so there for that.
Marc Mac
Well here’s an album that hits all my nerd buttons. You could call it hip hop. Or you could call it an audio documentary. Anyway, on All Power to the People Marc Mac teaches history by laying archival audio interviews about the civil rights movement (specifically the Black Panthers) on top of beats. April 4-8 is Black Lives Matter at School week. Do yourself a favor. Listen to this album and get educated. It’s much more fun than sitting in a classroom, and might be just as effective.