Tag Archive Solstafir


Solstafir at El Corazon

Solstafir live in Seattle

I always remember how amazing it was the first time Solstafir came to play Barboza in Seattle. I love that place. Sometimes I forget that they came back through in May of 2015 and played El Corazon, too. I don’t love that space, but I can’t seem to get away from it. For over 20 years, through a variety of names, it seems to always be the venue that books the bands I like.


Two of the Coolest People in Iceland


One of the cool things about Reykjavik is that it is both a sophisticated European capitol and a small town. It is possible to walk down the street and run into members of two of your favorite bands, as basically happened here during Airwaves 2012 when Gyða, the guitar player for Angist, and Gummi, the founding drummer of Sólstafir, posed for this picture. 


Solstafir Seven


Solstafir at Barboza in Seattle December 2014

Yesterday I saw Solstafir at El Corazon. It was Mother’s Day, and I’m sure I’ll do some kind of post about that later. For once, I didn’t spend half the show trying to get usable photos and I didn’t run a narrative in my head drafting the review I would write in the morning. I just watched the show. Read More


A History of My Life in 10 Songs

History of Rock'n'Roll in Ten Songs book cover

I have been reading Greil Marcus. I haven’t read A History of Rock ‘n’ Roll in 10 Songs yet, but the title intrigues me. One night I couldn’t sleep, and the result is the following chronological history of my life in ten songs. With only a couple exceptions, it would be more appropriate to list albums, but if singles are good enough for Marcus…

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