Tag Archive Skalmold


Musical Fiction I Like

Ironically, as a person who works in words, I rarely listen to the lyrics in music. In heavy metal, the vocals are usually textural. In rap, they’re too prominent and distracting. But most music means to tell a story. And sometimes the stories are really good.

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Music I Liked – Naked Giants, Animal Eyes, Nytt Land, Skálmöld, Samaris

Nytt Land Fimbulvinter album coverFrom Orcas Island to Iceland, I listened to lots of great music last week. My post about Car Seat Headrest reminded me to listen to Naked Giants, which led to another Doe Bay band, Animal Eyes. Then my husband discovered Nytt Land, which led to Skálmöld and Samaris. More about each of these below the fold.

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Set List


I’ve never quite understood why photos of set lists are so popular. But any time I get close enough to the stage or soundboard to get a shot of one, I feel compelled to take a photo. Maybe the urge is universal?


Before They Were Famous


Okay, they were famous in Iceland from the day their first album came out, but when I took this picture of Skalmold’s Airwaves set in Gamli Gaukurinn in 2012, few people outside of Iceland had heard of them.


If Sigur Ros is Post-Rock, What is Post-Sigur Ros?

Sigur Ros at Airwaves 2012When the Sigur Rós show ended, I drifted like a dust mote, following the crowd of thousands walking back to the 101. Outside, everyone stopped to stare at the sky. The Northern lights danced as a meteor shower sent dozens of shining white falling stars through the green waves. Read More