Tag Archive Sierra Hull


A Nine-Year-Old Reviews Pickathon

Pickathon Mt Hood StageI’ve written a bit here and on Three Imaginary Girls about my family’s first experience of of the Pickathon music festival this summer. I also made my 14-year-old write a teenager’s review. But Pickathon is truly a festival for the whole family, so I made my 9-year-old do a write up, too. I think you’ll find it helpful.

I made only very slight edits for spelling and punctuation (and added headers) to the following review, which was written without supervision or adult input.

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A 14 Year Old Reviews Pickathon

Pickathon Mt Hood StageThis year was the 20th anniversary of the Pickathon music festival. The festival is older than my kids. Maybe Pickathon was always family-friendly, but they definitely think like parents now. But why take my word for it? My 14-year-old daughter attended the festival on my press pass. So like me, she must sing write for her supper tickets by sharing her experiences online.

The following is a teenager’s review of Pickathon. It is edited for punctuation, spelling and formatting. Enjoy!

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Music I Liked – Pickathon Highlights

Pickathon Galaxy StageI just rolled in from Pickathon. I’m sure that once the dust settles (literally, I have to hose down all my camping gear). There was so much music I liked in the last five days one post can’t begin to cover it.  In the next couple weeks I expect I’ll have so much to say about Pickathon that this blog will start to look like it’s Airwaves 2012 all over again. Today I’ll just start with some festival highlights – the sets that made me say, “Holy shit that was good!”

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