Tag Archive Russian Circles


Music I Like to Work To

Since I work with words, I have to avoid a lot of music that I like during my workday. Lyrical indie music can be a distraction – I end up singing along. Hip-hop is even harder – I catch myself transcribing the rhymes. Often heavy metal works, since you can’t make out the words most of the time. Sometimes I need to avoid the human voice entirely, but so much instrumental music is soporific. The perfect working music is wordless but has enough structure and momentum to keep you focused and energetic. Here is some music that I’ve found I like to work to.

Dense & Translippers

The Bandcamp Daily described Entitas by Dense & Translippers as danceable ambient. But to me it is the soundtrack to an intense writing montage. It’s the perfect theme music for a day on deadline.



When I really can’t make the words flow, I bring out the big guns – Earth. A recent Bandcamp article pointed out the unique qualities of each album, but they are all inexorable and heavy as a mudslide, creating a momentum that pushes through any writer’s block. That said, my go-to has always been The Bees Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull . Their newest release, Full Upon Her Burning Lips promises to be equally satisfying.


From the Petrified Forest

The EP Marzipan by From the Petrified Forest almost doesn’t belong on this list. Yes, it’s instrumental and too heavy to tune out completely, and yes it’s engaging. But this Portland band is almost too engaging, even without vocals. I catch myself stopping to listen when I should be working.


Russian Circles

Interesting instrumental music perfectly describes Russian Circles, but their latest album Blood Year almost doesn’t belong on this list. It’s just too interesting and engaging. Even without words, I catch myself stopping work to listen to it. Maybe with a few more listens it will settle into the comfort of the background. But I might have to go back to older albums when I work.


Music I Liked – Odesza, Nils Frahm, Russian Circles

Nils Frahm in Seattle

Nils Frahm (obviously my photo)

The down side to living in Seattle is that you just can’t keep up. I started March with the excellent Decibel Festival, but missed half a dozen other concerts I wanted to see. Odesza, Nils Frahm, and Russian Circles all performed in Seattle last week. I was burned out from the past two weeks (school orchestra performance, school play, Seattle Symphony, musical theater, a musical cinema event, and the ballet). So I missed three really good concerts. But I really liked listening to the music all week at home.
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