Tag Archive Riders Catch Tomorrow


Drunken Piggyback Ride

I only realized how that title sounded after I typed it. So sorry for the suggestive click-bait, but this is a post about K-drama Tropes, and K-drama is squeaky clean. Like the best K-drama tropes, the drunken piggyback ride is an event that is common in K-dramas but rare or unheard of in American media and (presumably) in real life in both countries. The trope I’m talking about today appears in nearly every Korean series I’ve watched. In this trope, a woman gets drunk and a man carries her home on his back.

This is not the same trope as the Cute Piggyback Ride, which often involves a twisted ankle.

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Money or a Splash of Water – The Separation Bribe

Even in the West, there is a story trope where the parents (usually of a wealthy and respectable young man) meet the lover (usually an impoverished and sincere, if not quite respectable, young woman) in secret to destroy the relationship. In the European canon, the most famous examples are Alexandre Dumas’ (fils) Camille and its subsequent opera, La Traviata. But rumor has it that this element of classical literature has become a K-drama staple.

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