Tag Archive reading challenge


Antigua and Barbuda: Annie John

I am slowly working my way through countries that start with A in the Read the World (or Reading Around the World, depending where you look) Challenge. That means that after reading Transparent City from Angola, the next destination was Antigua and Barbuda. It’s another country I knew next to nothing about, so my homebound hide was excited to visit, even if it was only between the pages of a book.

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Transparent City

Despite my personal history of book club and book challenge failures, I am slowly plugging away at the Reading Around the World challenge. I started early in 2020 with Afghanistan and Albania. When the libraries reopened, I got started again with books from Algeria and Andorra. Finding an Andorran book was a challenge. Choosing a book for the next country, Angola, wasn’t easy either, but the book I chose, Transparent City by Ondjaki, presented some challenges of its own.

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My 2020 Year in Books

March is a little late to be summarizing the previous year’s reading. But I was busy in January and forgot in February, so here we are. I like looking back at my book-year regardless of when I get around to it. So if you have any interest in my reading life, here we go. My 2020 in books.

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My 2019 in Books

Another year, another Goodreads Challenge. Since I started reading so many graphic novels, setting my challenge goal has been a challenge in itself. On the one hand, I happily recognize graphic novels as real books. On the other hand, it takes about one hour to read a volume of manga, where the average novel takes about 12 hours. So I set a ridiculously high goal that includes both, but I try to sort my results so I can see how much “regular reading” I did apart from “graphic reading.” I’m probably the only person who cares about my reading data, but since I got to read a lot of interesting books last year, you might want to read on to discover some cool stories.

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What I Read in 2018

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Usually people share these Goodreads annual summaries around the new year, so I guess I’m kind of late. But hey, every day is a new day, and technically the start of a new year (as defined as a stretch of 365 days). So here is my 2018 year in books.

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