Tag Archive poetry


Open Books

For years, I drove past Open Books, Seattle’s only poem emporium. I read some poetry, but I didn’t think I read enough poetry to bother visiting a bookstore that only sold poetry. Then I finally visited it during my first Independent Bookstore Day. I was amazed how many interesting books I found there. I still don’t visit often, but I never leave empty handed when I do.

The continued existence of independent bookstores is precarious at the best of times. As one of the few specialty bookstores left in our city, I especially worry about Open Books during the pandemic. I hope Open Books stays open.


Kinky Machine

Well that’s a clickbaity title if I ever wrote one.

This classic car parked in a community garden on the roof of a parking garage in lower Queen Anne, and planted with perennials and ornamental grasses. The windows are painted with poetry:

Strange beautiful grass of green, with your
Majestic silver seas, your mysterious mountains I
wish to see closer, may I land my kinky machine?


Dreams of War

Brown_Girl_Dreaming-300I bought Brown Girl Dreaming for my daughter for Christmas, and now I am reading a poem to her each night before bed. Last night I read “South Carolina at War.” I’m going to copy the entire poem here, which is a lot of text to pull from a copyrighted book. But I can’t say what I need to without first making sure you know the whole story. Read More


Looking at the grave of the invisible man


Björk’s new album is deservedly getting a lot of attention, but there is another, much quieter release from an Icelandic artist – literally quieter. It’s not an album, it’s a poetry chapbook. Wait! Don’t go! I know what it sounds like. It sounds like photocopied, stapled pages sold out of a backpack on the sidewalk by attractive yet poorly groomed, self-absorbed youths. If you buy a copy (out of an impulse to support the arts, and greatness might appear anywhere, even in a homeless kid; or you want to help the homeless; or simply because you’re charmed by the poet’s combination of sincerity and homemade tattoos) inside the pages you will find verses without rhyme or meter or quite possibly, meaning. I know. That’s usually what it means. But I’m talking about Sjón here. Read More


The Fright Catalog of Warrior Soul

Fright Catalog CoverA few days ago, Kim Kelly posted an interview on Noisey with Joseph Moconi, the linguist/poet behind the surreal poem performed exquisite corpse-like by a circle of narrators embedded in flowers. Individual phrases evoked the titles of paintings by Salvador Dalí and sculptures by Remedios Varo. They also sounded like black metal lyrics – because they were!

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