Tag: pets

Garbage Pets

Anyone who has talked to me in the last four years knows that I think getting rabbits as pets was a Big Mistake. Rabbits are...

Dust Bunny

In the original U.S. release of Studio Ghibli classic My Neighbor Totoro, makuro kurosuke were translated as “dust bunnies.” Dust bunnies, Nanny explains gather in...

Hamster Wheel of Pain

The year 2015 was the year we tried keeping rodents as pets. It didn’t work out well for us. The first dwarf hamster lasted less...

A Tragedy Waiting to Happen

Long ago, I told the tragic story of the Brief, Wondrous Life of Princess Lilac. Recently, I stumbled on this image from that brief golden...

RIP Rorschach

Rorschach 1997-2016 Thou cattest of cats whose shadow plays on Plato’s wall...