Tag Archive pandemic


Pandemic Homeschool Diaries – Running Starts and Wrap Ups

It has been ten weeks since the schools closed, and all talk of establishing a “new normal” has died down, replaced the daily grind of normal pandemic homeschooling. I didn’t even have anything new to write about last week as we just keep on truckin – in place. This week, though, I’m starting to get some end of the school year vibes as some things start wrapping up and planning for next year gets started.

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Pandemic Homeschool Milestones

May always sneaks up on me. Planning ahead, it looks like a routine month, but as it gets closer my calendar fills up with late school year special events. This year, for obvious reasons, that hasn’t really happened. The trade off for a peaceful May is the loss of some milestones that are pretty meaningful for my kids. Lockdown already has enough in common with Groundhog Day without ignoring milestones, so even if substitutions are just vestigial acknowledgements of old systems, we can’t afford to ignore them. We’re passing milestones during the pandemic, they just aren’t marking the same road we thought we would be on.

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Pandemic Homeschooling Dal Segno

I complain about not being able to find the gifs I want often enough that I should probably learn how to make them. Lately, as I try to navigate pandemic homeschooling, I’ve wished for a gif of Rosencrantz telling Guildenstern (or was it the other way around?), “We’ve been here before.” The sense of circling back on topics already covered has been growing on me the longer pandemic homeschooling drags on. Lately, it seems that we’ve been homeschooling dal segno.

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It’s All Family Games Until…

We did a whole lot of nothing during spring break this year, what with the pandemic and not being able to leave the house. I kind of hit a wall on the whole “cruise ship activities director” role that homeschooling thrust on me, and spent the week watching Chinese TV while the kids played video games. But we did have one day of organized family fun, and it was entirely at the initiative of the kids.

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Office Hours and Chinese Dramas – Pandemic Homeschool Diaries

This week (starting April 27) was supposed to be the week the schools reopened. But oh well, we’ve got a pretty good system in place now. The schools have stepped up their remote teaching, and I’m filling in the gaps with things that are lots of fun – including history lessons based on Chinese dramas. Here’s how we rocked the seventh week of pandemic homeschool (sixth week of instruction).

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