Tag Archive Opeth


Music I Like – Metal-Inflected

No, that’s not “metal infected” although I guess you could call it that. I recently enjoyed an Alcest album, then had a hard time figuring out where to put it in on the blog. I realized that I listen to a lot of music that gets lumped with metal, but really isn’t. Sometimes bands start out really heavy and then mellow or become more sophisticated with age. Or a metal musician does a side project in a different genre. Sometimes, there are weird social dynamics that get an artist lots of metal fans, even though their music doesn’t have any of the sonic markers of metal. So here’s a bunch of metal-inflected music that I like.

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Ticket Season Part Four: What I Bought

Spring is ticket season. Season ticket season, that is. I’ve already talked about the temptations of season tickets to Seattle OperaPacific Northwest Ballet, and Seattle Children’s Theatre. The truth is, I will try to attend as many performances by each of these worthy organizations as I can, but I did not buy season tickets to any of them. What did I ultimately spend my own money on? Read More