Seattle Opera Takes On Flight
It’s kind of a no-brainer for an opera company based in Boeing’s hometown (and sponsored by that company) to take on the production of an...
Seattle Opera’s Cinematic Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni is what a lot of people would call a “problematic fave.” On the one hand, Mozart’s music is incredible. On the other hand,...
Andrew Stenson in Recital at Seattle Opera
Like K-dramas, opera recitals have shot from “not a thing I watch” to “primary form of entertainment” for me during the pandemic. I watched everything...
Sisters Before Misters in Latest Seattle Opera Recital
I never attended an opera recital before the pandemic. A full opera is so extra, I thought the music by itself would be boring in...
Jorell Williams in Recital
It’s hard to keep up with all the new material Seattle Opera is releasing these days, but it’s a good kind of trouble to have....