Tag Archive musicals


Live Theater Film Experience – Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: Le Mouvement Final

Sailor Moon Le Mouvement Final promo posterApparently, stage movies are a thing now. I only caught on last month, when I saw two within a week of each other. I’ve already mentioned the second one – NBC’s stage production of Jesus Christ Superstar that was broadcast live on Easter. The first one was so weird I have to blog about it. I saw a movie of a play about a cartoon. That’s right, I drove to Shoreline to see Sailor Moon: The Musical – Le Mouvement Final at the Crest.

I was just a little too old for the first generation of Sailor Moon. Ok, that’s an excuse. I watched Ranma ½ during the same years Sailor Moon was new. Anyway, I never got into Sailor Moon. But my kids did. They’ve read all the manga and dissect the differences between the anime reboots. My oldest was Sailor Mercury for Halloween. So when a friend tagged me on a facebook post announcing a Sailor Moon event at the Crest, I bought tickets for the whole family. Read More