Tag Archive murals


Abstract Mural

Please enjoy this painting of an eagle that appears abstract from this distance.


A Pirate’s Life for Me

From what I understand of Azores history, the islands served as transAtlantic fueling stations and historically housed whalers and fisherman. But it’s easy to imagine them as a pirate’s paradise. Do the locals identify much with pirates the way folks in the American Southwest do with bandits? Or are pirates always the bad guys in Azorean stories? Whether this is sanctioned public art reflecting the local culture or punk protest of it, I think these are words to live by.


Cute Apartment

murals on Chinese apartment

I love the street art I find wherever I travel in the world. But these Qingdao apartment buildings completely covered in cute artwork are some of my favorites. Partly it’s because they’re so cute, and it’s fun to imagine coming home to such cheery pictures every day. But these Qingdao apartments are also such a contrast with the housing developments of identical faceless high rise apartment towers that stretch for literally miles on the outskirts of Chinese cities.