Tag Archive Mr. Silla


Music I Like – Summer Jams

Music writers love to proclaim “This year’s summer jam.” My summer jams tend to repeat from year to year (cough*Allman Brothers* cough). Just like some music begs for cold wind and drizzling rain, there is no denying that some music just seems more at home in the sunshine with the smell of sunscreen and the taste of beer. I usually listen to the former, but now that summer is officially over, here are a few of the latter that I like.

Chris Forsyth

Chris Forsyth‘s vocals occasionally veer unfortunately close to Kurt Vile territory, but it’s okay. Because most tracks on All Time Present the guitar has that Allman Brothers at the Fillmore vibe that makes everything okay. While on “Dream Song” it sounds like Cowboy Bebop on a hot desert afternoon where nothing is okay. I’m a fan.


Vampire Weekend

Vampire Weekend are none of the things I usually look for in a band, but I love everything they’ve done. December drinkers of horchata Vampire Weekend have always got a summery sound. And even though it’s usually winter at my house, they never drop out of high rotation. Even a wedding-themed double album doesn’t dampen my enthusiasm.


Alex Lahey

Australian Alex Lahey released her hooky sophomore album in May. That’s autumn where she lives, but these sun-drenched pop songs are bright and energetic enough to make even me want to hit the beach. Bonus points for unironic use of sax.


Death and Vanilla

Death and Vanilla sounds like the name of a drizzly day band, but Are You a Dreamer sounds like the starbursts of light behind your eyelids when you look into the sun.


Young Guv

Young Guv II by Young Guv is just the kind of laid back jangly punk pop that says, “Summer Jams.” It doesn’t work too hard, and you shouldn’t either. Just enjoy.


Mr. Silla

I saw Mr. Silla at Iceland Airwaves in 2012. They didn’t have an album out yet. I waited and waited and eventually forgot about them. Then Grapevine featured the video for their new single “Naruto (say you wanna run away)” in advance of the release of the album Hands on Hands. It’s a summery escapist dream. My favorite season may be autumn, but sometimes when the day starts to shrink and my feet haven’t quite adjusted to boots instead of sandals yet, even I want to run away chasing eternal summer.


Blue Lagoon Chill at Iceland Airwaves Saturday

Napping at KEXStamina began to be an issue on Saturday, and not just for the old farts like me. The occasional napper could always be found on the couches or in the hammock in the KEX lobby, but today they were dropping like flies. At one point, all of the couches were full.

I began to see the wisdom of hosting the Blue Lagoon Chill Party on Saturday afternoon, and as much of a challenge as it was to get up in time for the bus out there, I was really looking forward to treating my headbanger’s neck with a massage while floating in geothermal waters.

Chilling during Airwaves

Dropping like flies

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