Tag Archive Momentum


The Atlas Moth and Devin Townsend at Seattle’s Studio Seven

Insomnium opening for Epica at El Corazon

Insomnium opening for Epica at El Corazon

It seems like I’m always most interested in the opening bands. I flew to L.A. to see Amorphis open for Nightwish, I saw Epica because Insomnium was opening, and I bought tickets to see Lamb of God last summer because Gojira was on the bill. I finally got to see Gojira at Studio Seven a couple days ago. The Atlas Moth and Devin Townsend opened. With a line-up of this quality, I thought the openers deserved their own post. Read More


My Head in the Amazon Cloud

Tomten_WedChildren_frontCover (2)Our household has recently bought in to the Amazon cloud music library storage model. I’m not the primary account holder, and I don’t understand how it works very well, but it’s a nice way to get music that I actually own downloaded to my phone.  We’ve begun the long, slow process of ripping our CD collection (somewhere around 500 CDs at last count, which was years ago) and uploading it to the cloud. Read More


If Sigur Ros is Post-Rock, What is Post-Sigur Ros?

Sigur Ros at Airwaves 2012When the Sigur Rós show ended, I drifted like a dust mote, following the crowd of thousands walking back to the 101. Outside, everyone stopped to stare at the sky. The Northern lights danced as a meteor shower sent dozens of shining white falling stars through the green waves. Read More


Saturday Rolled Into Sunday at Airwaves

Asgeir Trausti

Him again?

As Saturday rolled into Sunday at Airwaves, I was upstairs at Harpa for a middle-of-the-night Ásgeir Trausti set. It was my third one this festival. I don’t want to say too much about it, because I think I need a separate post to explain why I’m not actually an Ásgeir Trausti stalker. Read More