Tag Archive Kontinuum


Music I Like – Metal-Inflected

No, that’s not “metal infected” although I guess you could call it that. I recently enjoyed an Alcest album, then had a hard time figuring out where to put it in on the blog. I realized that I listen to a lot of music that gets lumped with metal, but really isn’t. Sometimes bands start out really heavy and then mellow or become more sophisticated with age. Or a metal musician does a side project in a different genre. Sometimes, there are weird social dynamics that get an artist lots of metal fans, even though their music doesn’t have any of the sonic markers of metal. So here’s a bunch of metal-inflected music that I like.

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A Second Serving – Interviews in Iceland


Gone Postal

Far more interesting than my usual navel-gazing posts are the interviews I had with Icelandic musicians who are among the most intelligent, interesting, and entertaining people I have ever met. I left every interview with a better understanding of not only their music, but of music in general.

Earlier I listed some of these interviews. At the time I was still working on more, each of which, in one way or another, posed some kind of writerly challenge. Even though my mistakes are perhaps more apparent here than on the first batch, I hope you get more from these interviews than just my lessons-learned. There is some great music here. Read More


My Head in the Amazon Cloud

Tomten_WedChildren_frontCover (2)Our household has recently bought in to the Amazon cloud music library storage model. I’m not the primary account holder, and I don’t understand how it works very well, but it’s a nice way to get music that I actually own downloaded to my phone.  We’ve begun the long, slow process of ripping our CD collection (somewhere around 500 CDs at last count, which was years ago) and uploading it to the cloud. Read More


Saturday Rolled Into Sunday at Airwaves

Asgeir Trausti

Him again?

As Saturday rolled into Sunday at Airwaves, I was upstairs at Harpa for a middle-of-the-night Ásgeir Trausti set. It was my third one this festival. I don’t want to say too much about it, because I think I need a separate post to explain why I’m not actually an Ásgeir Trausti stalker. Read More


Keeping the Sabbath in Iceland

HallgrimskirkjaYou didn’t really think this post would be about church did you? My Sunday was all about music.

After spending Saturday evening in journalistic research and preparation, I took three melatonin, put in earplugs and went to bed at ten. And praise God, I slept until 9 am. I joined my new roommate, Amandine the French fashion-finance whiz, for breakfast, where we talked about food standards, immigration, and social programs. Read More