Tag Archive KEX


KEX Deck

It’s just a wooden platform facing the alley behind a youth hostel. But the deck at KEX in Reykjavik holds so many wonderful memories for me. It’s usually the first thing I see as I set out on a new day’s adventure when I visit Iceland. On warmer days, I’ve curled up on benches there reading my guidebook or journaling. It’s where I’ve struck up conversations with strangers and listened to bands when the building was filled to capacity. And I think the last time I sat around with friends just chatting over drinks was on the KEX deck. You could almost say it’s a real life place that feels like Tiffany’s.


In Which the Wind Alters My Plans and Solstafir Changes My Life

windstorm repairs Reykjavik

Planning emergency repairs

On Friday of Airwaves, I spent some time writing in the morning, where I overheard others in the hostel reworking their plans because all of the tourist excursions had been cancelled due to heavy winds. I ventured out to the media center and find out whether the press tour to Sigur Rós’ recording studio and Halldor Laxness’ house had also been cancelled. The walk that took ten minutes when I picked up my wristband earlier in the week took nearly half an hour this morning. This was partly due to struggling against the wind, and partly due to blocks of Laugavegur being closed while emergency crews cleaned up damage from the pieces of metal roofing and siding that had blown off buildings along the high street. Read More