Tag Archive Independent Bookstore Day


Independent Bookstore Day 2022 – Island Outliers

Despite my love for filling up passports and my obsession with completeness, I’ve never tried to “win” Independent Bookstore Day for two reasons. First, getting to all the bookstores in one day is too hard. And second, getting to all the bookstores in one day doesn’t leave time for actually browsing the bookstores, and I can never leave a bookstore unexplored once I enter. So each year, I’ve made my own goals. This year was my most challenging.

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My First Independent Bookstore Day

Bookstores might be my Tiffany’s. This look back at the haul from my very first Independent Bookstore Day reveals the severity of my tsundoku problem. I still haven’t read any of the books pictured. But Independent Bookstore Day remains one of my favorite holidays. This year they’re doing things a little differently to accommodate pandemic safety precautions, and I’m still not sure how much I’m going to participate. But I think next year will be the year I actually fill my passport.


Open Books

For years, I drove past Open Books, Seattle’s only poem emporium. I read some poetry, but I didn’t think I read enough poetry to bother visiting a bookstore that only sold poetry. Then I finally visited it during my first Independent Bookstore Day. I was amazed how many interesting books I found there. I still don’t visit often, but I never leave empty handed when I do.

The continued existence of independent bookstores is precarious at the best of times. As one of the few specialty bookstores left in our city, I especially worry about Open Books during the pandemic. I hope Open Books stays open.


Seattle Independent Bookstore Day 2018

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. As shopping holidays go, I’ll take the springtime cluster of independent brick and mortar celebrations over Christmas in a heartbeat. Saturday is my favorite of the bunch, Independent Bookstore Day. Here in Seattle, Independent Bookstore Day is more than just a day-long party celebrating local bookstores. It’s a challenge. Stamp your bookstore passport at each stop, and if you fill your book by closing time, you get 25% off for the rest of the year at every participating bookstore. There are 23 of them. Read More


Independent Bookstore Day

OpenBooksSome people think I’m awful because I never remember birthdays, and holidays like Mother’s Day register more as minor annoyances than celebrations. But I’m not completely unsentimental. Sometimes I get quite excited over minor holidays. Like Independent Bookstore Day. Of course, I can never remember when it’s coming up, but even caught by surprise, I try to make the day special. Read More