Tag Archive Hypno5e


Music I Liked – Hypno5e, Kalmah, Pollens

I’m not very good about keeping up with new releases. I barely even noticed with music release day switched from Tuesday to Friday. But a week ago, my phone blew up with bandcamp alerts about new releases from bands I like. So I listened to Hypno5e, Kalmah, and Pollens. And I liked it.

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The Atlas Moth and Devin Townsend at Seattle’s Studio Seven

Insomnium opening for Epica at El Corazon

Insomnium opening for Epica at El Corazon

It seems like I’m always most interested in the opening bands. I flew to L.A. to see Amorphis open for Nightwish, I saw Epica because Insomnium was opening, and I bought tickets to see Lamb of God last summer because Gojira was on the bill. I finally got to see Gojira at Studio Seven a couple days ago. The Atlas Moth and Devin Townsend opened. With a line-up of this quality, I thought the openers deserved their own post. Read More