Tag Archive homeschool


Pandemic Homeschooling Dal Segno

I complain about not being able to find the gifs I want often enough that I should probably learn how to make them. Lately, as I try to navigate pandemic homeschooling, I’ve wished for a gif of Rosencrantz telling Guildenstern (or was it the other way around?), “We’ve been here before.” The sense of circling back on topics already covered has been growing on me the longer pandemic homeschooling drags on. Lately, it seems that we’ve been homeschooling dal segno.

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It’s All Family Games Until…

We did a whole lot of nothing during spring break this year, what with the pandemic and not being able to leave the house. I kind of hit a wall on the whole “cruise ship activities director” role that homeschooling thrust on me, and spent the week watching Chinese TV while the kids played video games. But we did have one day of organized family fun, and it was entirely at the initiative of the kids.

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Pandemic Homeschool Spring Break

How do you have spring break when your kids are already not going to school, and traveling is not an option? That was the dilemma we faced after four weeks of pandemic homeschooling. Naturally, I had a plan. Naturally, no one followed the plan. Here’s how our pandemic spring break really went.

On the inside looking out
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One Month of Pandemic Home School

Last Friday wrapped up the fourth week of pandemic homeschooling. Just when we thought we had a routine going, the schools came up with new systems based on the state’s new requirements for “continuous learning.” Since previous assignments were optional, most of the new schoolwork was covering old ground for the kids who kept up on academics all along. But it still gave us a taste for the potential workload. So week four was a lot about figuring out the new school system, but we had a few projects worth updating, too. Here’s how our first month of pandemic homeschooling wrapped up.

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Week Three Themes – Pandemic Homeschool Diaries

Moving into and through the third week of pandemic homeschooling, and typing up every lesson and activity the kids do is becoming burdensome and boring. And honestly, now that we’re getting into a routine, I’m not tracking all that closely. Which is not to say that I’m not as involved – I took most of last Friday off to plan. I think it’s paying off. This week, a few themes have started to emerge.

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