Tag Archive hamster


Where’s Hammie

Dwarf hamsters might be even worse pets than rabbits. Where rabbits cower, dwarf hamsters burrow and hide. And they are pretty well camouflaged in their bedding. They actually make brightly colored bedding for hamsters, probably to make it easier to find your pet in its cages. But I was worried about the potential health effects on such a short-lived animal of eating dyed paper. So the closest we ever got to playing with our pet hamster was a Waldo-like “Where’s Hammie?” game.


Bunny Fear

IMG_20150721_205716582No other animal had ever inspired in me so much fear; not the neighbor’s dog that chased me into the house when I was three; not the horse that threw me, blackening both my kindergarten eyes; not the hand-sized spider that crawled up my leg when I was turned the neglected compost pile behind my house. None of those creatures held the terror of the adolescent lionhead bunny. Read More


The Brief Wondrous Life of Princess Lilac

Just add food - how hard could it be?

Just add food – how hard could it be?

It began, as so many tragedies do, with a rash promise, made with little understanding of what was offered and almost immediately regretted. I hoped that I would never be called upon to fulfill the promise, but when, a week later, safe at home with the excitement behind us, my oldest daughter said, “Mama! You promised to buy me a rabbit!” I knew I couldn’t back out.

But I could try to renegotiate. Read More