Tag Archive HAM


Music I Liked – Iceland 2012

Reykjavik! band at Airwaves


When I moved my blog, all of the internal links got broken. As I have time, I’m going back through old posts and updating links. Right now I’m working through a lot of material from my first trip to Iceland (for Airwaves in 2012) and it’s bringing back a lot of memories of Icelandic bands that I loved in the past that are no longer with us. Read More


Við erum HAM


Once upon a time, sandwiched between two bands I had come to see, the stoic Icelandic crowd suddenly went wild for a band I’d never heard of.


Blown Away on Thursday Night at Iceland Airwaves

Harpa in Reykjavik

Image of Harpa from Wikipedia

After listening to far too many wonderful sets while staring at walls or other people’s backs, I determined to stake out a venue for the evening. I chose Harpa, the exquisite glass sculpture of a building on the waterfront that houses at least three different performance spaces, and hosted the greatest number of acts I wanted to catch on Thursday night.

And besides, it was physically difficult to walk outside in winds so fierce that (foreign) people were starting to whisper the word “hurricane” doubtfully to each other.

Reykjavik waterfront

The view from KEX along the waterfront. Harpa is the black building.

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