Tag Archive Halloween



Sweet ride, Cinderella.


Neighborly Halloween

Halloween was my favorite holiday growing up. But now that I have my own kids, it feels like the pronunciation I hate has become accurate – “hollow”. One year I handed out these full-disclosure homemade treats. It felt like I was resisting the defanging of Halloween.

I only thought the day was sanitized back then. Oh well. At least kids will be allowed to wear masks with their costumes again this year.


Enter the Monkey King


I’m the queen of the #momfail, which makes me especially proud of this Monkey King costume I made my daughter for Halloween a few years ago.


Halloween “Fictian”

Halloween Fiction

As an adult, I’m pretty new to writing fiction. But I wrote a lot when I was kid. Here is a story I wrote in first or second grade. Above the picture it says: Gemma Alexander          fictian

Below the picture is the story: Read More