Tag Archive Eldar


Saturday Rolled Into Sunday at Airwaves

Asgeir Trausti

Him again?

As Saturday rolled into Sunday at Airwaves, I was upstairs at Harpa for a middle-of-the-night Ásgeir Trausti set. It was my third one this festival. I don’t want to say too much about it, because I think I need a separate post to explain why I’m not actually an Ásgeir Trausti stalker. Read More


I Want My Hat Back, Redux

I returned home from Airwaves 12 to a clean house filled with the fragrance of fresh flowers; my children were even sweeter and cuter than I remembered; I had tickets to both Neil Young and Crazy Horse, and Insomnium on the weekend. The honeymoon was brief. Read More


Triangulation Thursday at Iceland Airwaves

Eldar live show at Airwaves 2012


I started out with a list of back to back shows scattered throughout the festival, only to discover that venue-hopping has its drawbacks. The wind was picking up, which made the walks very cold, and gusts were strong enough to slow my progress. Despite careful triangulation, making it to every scattered show I wanted to see on Thursday wasn’t, um, possible. Read More